Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pushing Up Daisies

Today's chronological reading plan found on esword, gives brief accounts of some kings of Judah and Israel. The thing that really strikes me is the violence and sinfulness found especially in verses 13-16 of 2 Kings 15. Menahem, assassinates Israel's king and succeeds his throne. From there, he ruthlessly attacks a city and the surrounding area. Since the people resist him, he rips open all of their pregnant women.

Pretty horrifying stuff! Not too much unlike the violence of society today.

In 2 Chronicles 26, King Uzziah of Judah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and in the defense of his kingdom "he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal." The philosophy of technology undoubtedly offers up explanations for the development of weaponry but it overlooks the inherent sinful nature of mankind.

So many people are abhorred by the crimes in our present society. Yet, no one really talks about how it has been human nature to be sinful ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve's son Cain committed the first murder against his brother Abel and the bloodshed and misery continues.

The good news is that God loves us so much that Jesus died for our sins. Since the beginning of time, He has shown us His love through His created things like this lively field of daisies. But this patch of flowers is more then just pleasing to the eye. It is one of the many things in nature that attest not only the existence of God but also of the fact that there will be no excuse for mankind's sinfulness. Eventually, God will hold each and every person accountable.

I don't know the origin of the old idiom pushing up daisies. But what can be so bad about being underneath a beautiful site like this while resting in peace IF the next thing you know is that Jesus has returned for you !!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Baby Bird

Hahaha... I have to laugh because my son just sent a text with this image.

Of course, one can't deny how adorable these babies are... I can almost hear their little peeps calling "I'm hungry."

Beyond the obvious meaning of this image, I find a deeper, more resolute meaning. It is the understanding of life and the way that things are supposed to be. You see, my son just recently left our nest. He left our small town for the city not quite three weeks ago.

Lots of people have been asking me how I feel about that and if I miss him. Well, the answer is yes AND no.

I have really come to appreciate how much of a wonderful young man he has become. Thanks be to God! But, I don't miss him because I am so excited for the experiences he will have and the things he will learn. I believe that God has led him to where he is right now. Not to mention that I spent the last 18 years trying my best to prepare him for this time of his life. Time for him to spread his wings and soar.

My true sense of peace with him being gone comes from our Father in heaven. Jesus encouraged us to not worry in Matthew 6:25-27.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

So, knowing how much our Father in heaven cares for us helps to put things into perspective for me. After all, He sent his one and only Son to die for us

It's funny that I used to think that the reason I never saw the beauty of God's creation when I was young was because I am from the city. This image tells me that it wasn't where I grew up, it's that I had blinders on. 

What a blessing it is that my son is sharing some of what he sees.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Gift of Solace

My preoccupation with this place has become quite dialectic.
Snow, snow, snow... winter seems so long especially when a major snowstorm drops another foot of snow in the end of February. This makes me dream of longer, warmer days.... which makes me think of this place.

Then, I feel guilty for looking forward to going there because of a recent tragedy... it troubles my thoughts ... my heart goes out to those involved.

BUT, this bridge is a gateway to one of my favorite spots in the world... a place characterized by: the soothing sounds of the babbling creek, the welcoming splashes of colorful wildflowers, and the beckoning call of a rugged trail of soil, roots, and rocks.... this place of solace... somewhere to go to feel closer to God.

So, I reason that God knows the pain and struggles that every person endures.... He understands when no one else can because He loves us dearly... so much that He gave His one and only Son.

The point I make is that God is kind and loving. He knows and understands the struggles we face. He allows people and situations in our lives so that we can learn. So just like Paul encouraged the Galatians, I will pray that God may enable me to fulfill every good deed prompted by faith.

And... from now on, whenever I go to my favorite place, I will feel encouraged... I will say a prayer for that family and for any others that I know who need encouragement as well.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


A recent trip through Munising, MI afforded me a new perspective on life.  The trip helped me to realize the great sacrifices my husband makes so that our family can be stable. It makes me admire him more than words could say! 
Through our marriage, the road we have been on has been rocky to say the least. On this particular day, the bitter, cold wind unsuccessfully tried to pry the camera from my hands making this image from the Lake Superior shore even more representative of our life.
On our journey together, it has not always been clear which path is the best or which situation is dangerous. In this scene, it is pretty evident that these waters are treacherous. But what would it be like on a calm day? The water might be deceivingly inviting. And even though the sign warns of a wicked undercurrent, that may not suffice to avoid trouble. Sometimes we have heeded the warning. Other times we have ignored it. Yet other times we have completely missed the sign. 
Life is not easy nor does each day come with a set of instructions. But there is a guide that can help to make each day navigable. God's Word provides all the guidance a person could need to navigate the calm and stormy waters of life. Just like the Psalmist proclaimed "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." My prayer is that each day, my husband and I will seek God's will in our lives.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Silent Strength

Earlier this week, I was drawn to the silent strength of this group of white birch trees. Though the sky loomed with scowling clouds, the trees stood firm as they have for so many years.

It made me think of how God is always with me and how He can give me a kind of silent strength not so much unlike the birch trees. Like the Psalmist sang in Psalm 112: 6-8 , it's the kind of strength that enables me to endure the trials and tribulations of everyday life.

God is so good and so merciful. He is so willing to take care of my needs. I need to follow the Psalmist's advice in the beginning of the chapter. "Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in His commands."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On the Edge

From the edge, I take in the majestic warmth of color, shapes, textures, and sounds 
                                                       and I realize that God has brought me here to spread my wings
  Isaiah 40:29-31
He gives strength to the weary
   and increases the power of the weak.
 Even youths grow tired and weary,
   and young men stumble and fall;
 but those who hope in the LORD
   will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
   they will run and not grow weary,
   they will walk and not be faint. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Calm Before the Storm

Be still my heart, heavy, leaden air before the storm.

Heart pounding, smothered breath, fight or flight.

 Terror, loneliness startle me as if early morn.

Till I look to my Comforter and Father and Son.

Heart takes a metronome beat.
He comforts me so calmly.
Whatever will be, will be.
Worry relents. Peace for me
No more fear will defeat me.

Regardless of the situation, I have learned to look to God for my comfort and strength. When every thing around me seems so wrong, I am comforted by the promises found in God's word. As the Psalmist proclaims, God knew the types of woes his people would face

Friday, September 9, 2011

Never Alone

When I saw this beached rowboat, I was drawn to it. Initially, it appeared painfully empty, abandoned and alone on the shore. Then I realized that this is just a season in this boat's life. At times, it surely weathered rough waves and rejoiced in the catch of the day. Bouncing along the waves, whether it had passengers did not matter. What mattered was that it was never alone as the lighthouse always watched over it. This makes me think of my life. Youth is fresh like the smell of the newly cut wood that was fashioned into this boat. Maturity clothes a person like the paint that covered the boat. Self-confidence is gained along the way just like the boat gained worthiness with each trip. Stress and troubles leave a mark on a person's soul just as this boat shows the wear of its travels. Life may lead one from shore to shore but two things remain constant. The essence of the boat does not change with locale. Just as the lighthouse watches over this and other boats, God is always there. As the Psalmist said, God's word is an every ready beacon that shows the way.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wild Thimbleberries

Someone very dear to me questioned me about my last post. It made me realize how much I appreciate her and made me think how much God must value us. This photo of wild thimbleberries illustrates this for me. We are all exquisite creatures created by God. Each one of us is at a different point of maturity. The stage we are in varies from being just the right ripeness to leave a smile on someone's face to unripe and basically unapproachable and full of bitterness. It makes me think of the guidance and encouragement Paul gave to the Galatians to explain Christian character and justification by faith. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Never Meant To Belong

After a long week like this one, I feel so melancholy and really question whether I belong here. It makes me think of this wildflower that I have spotted near many waterfalls. Just like all wildflowers, God provides the right environment for them to flourish.

At times it seems like I am suffocating; like I need to be next to a waterfall. It is as if my very existence is what it would be like if a cymbal were clashing during a lovely violin solo  

I will just have to trust what the bible says...God knows what's best... He knows the struggles and worries that trouble me...  He is in control.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Tossed about by the waves...

Tossed about by the waves, this log has been beaten by many waves. Each one wearing off the tough outer bark to reveal a smooth and beautifully unique creation.
This makes me think of my life and the many trials that I have endured, especially during the past year. God allowed the trials and He gave me the strength to endure them. Do I fully understand this? Nope. but I do understand how much God loves me. Like the Psalmist said "For you, God, tested us;  you refined us like silver."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Think you see the whole picture?

Just when you think you see the whole picture of a situation, think again. What reminds me of this is this image of a wildflower that I came across the other day.
When I opened it in Photoshop, the tiny details of a plant visitor became apparent. What an awesome reminder that even if I think that I see the whole picture, there is always a tiny detail hidden from my perspective.