Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Gift of Solace

My preoccupation with this place has become quite dialectic.
Snow, snow, snow... winter seems so long especially when a major snowstorm drops another foot of snow in the end of February. This makes me dream of longer, warmer days.... which makes me think of this place.

Then, I feel guilty for looking forward to going there because of a recent tragedy... it troubles my thoughts ... my heart goes out to those involved.

BUT, this bridge is a gateway to one of my favorite spots in the world... a place characterized by: the soothing sounds of the babbling creek, the welcoming splashes of colorful wildflowers, and the beckoning call of a rugged trail of soil, roots, and rocks.... this place of solace... somewhere to go to feel closer to God.

So, I reason that God knows the pain and struggles that every person endures.... He understands when no one else can because He loves us dearly... so much that He gave His one and only Son.

The point I make is that God is kind and loving. He knows and understands the struggles we face. He allows people and situations in our lives so that we can learn. So just like Paul encouraged the Galatians, I will pray that God may enable me to fulfill every good deed prompted by faith.

And... from now on, whenever I go to my favorite place, I will feel encouraged... I will say a prayer for that family and for any others that I know who need encouragement as well.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Til Death Do Us Part

This colorful silhouette emanates the love of this newlywed couple. Whenever I see a couple made for each other like these two, it makes me so thankful that we have a loving God who knew exactly what He was doing when He created man and woman. It also causes me to ponder the meaning of life and love. Jesus actually says quite a lot about the subject in Matthew 19:3-12 where He talks about marriage, sexuality, and divorce.
I became familiar with this passage years ago when I was wrestling with the guilt of a failed first marriage. God knew long before I even got married that my marriage wouldn't last. This is one of the reasons why Jesus suffered on my account. Many years later, God has blessed me with a longstanding marriage to a man I definitely do not deserve. Am I grateful? You bet! Do I have guilty feelings over the past? Nope, not anymore because I know that God has forgiven me for all of my mistakes. As God promises in Romans 8, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Silent Strength

Earlier this week, I was drawn to the silent strength of this group of white birch trees. Though the sky loomed with scowling clouds, the trees stood firm as they have for so many years.

It made me think of how God is always with me and how He can give me a kind of silent strength not so much unlike the birch trees. Like the Psalmist sang in Psalm 112: 6-8 , it's the kind of strength that enables me to endure the trials and tribulations of everyday life.

God is so good and so merciful. He is so willing to take care of my needs. I need to follow the Psalmist's advice in the beginning of the chapter. "Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in His commands."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On the Edge

From the edge, I take in the majestic warmth of color, shapes, textures, and sounds 
                                                       and I realize that God has brought me here to spread my wings
  Isaiah 40:29-31
He gives strength to the weary
   and increases the power of the weak.
 Even youths grow tired and weary,
   and young men stumble and fall;
 but those who hope in the LORD
   will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
   they will run and not grow weary,
   they will walk and not be faint. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Calm Before the Storm

Be still my heart, heavy, leaden air before the storm.

Heart pounding, smothered breath, fight or flight.

 Terror, loneliness startle me as if early morn.

Till I look to my Comforter and Father and Son.

Heart takes a metronome beat.
He comforts me so calmly.
Whatever will be, will be.
Worry relents. Peace for me
No more fear will defeat me.

Regardless of the situation, I have learned to look to God for my comfort and strength. When every thing around me seems so wrong, I am comforted by the promises found in God's word. As the Psalmist proclaims, God knew the types of woes his people would face

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I'm back after a short hiatus.... sometimes, you just have to take a break. This beautiful scene helped realign me to a good frame of mynd.

As you probably know, I love waterfalls. This particular fall about a half hour from home is the perfect place to get an attitude adjustment. It reminds me that I have NO CONTROL over what is going on around me.... yet through all the chaos, misery, adversity, and pain there is one constant force that is comfortably predictable.

By predictable I mean it is a force I can put my trust in. Our triune God is the only omnipotent power in the universe. He is in control even when things seem impossible or unbearable. Job summarizes in Job 21 "Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him? What would we gain by praying to him?"

Friday, September 9, 2011

Never Alone

When I saw this beached rowboat, I was drawn to it. Initially, it appeared painfully empty, abandoned and alone on the shore. Then I realized that this is just a season in this boat's life. At times, it surely weathered rough waves and rejoiced in the catch of the day. Bouncing along the waves, whether it had passengers did not matter. What mattered was that it was never alone as the lighthouse always watched over it. This makes me think of my life. Youth is fresh like the smell of the newly cut wood that was fashioned into this boat. Maturity clothes a person like the paint that covered the boat. Self-confidence is gained along the way just like the boat gained worthiness with each trip. Stress and troubles leave a mark on a person's soul just as this boat shows the wear of its travels. Life may lead one from shore to shore but two things remain constant. The essence of the boat does not change with locale. Just as the lighthouse watches over this and other boats, God is always there. As the Psalmist said, God's word is an every ready beacon that shows the way.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wild Thimbleberries

Someone very dear to me questioned me about my last post. It made me realize how much I appreciate her and made me think how much God must value us. This photo of wild thimbleberries illustrates this for me. We are all exquisite creatures created by God. Each one of us is at a different point of maturity. The stage we are in varies from being just the right ripeness to leave a smile on someone's face to unripe and basically unapproachable and full of bitterness. It makes me think of the guidance and encouragement Paul gave to the Galatians to explain Christian character and justification by faith. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Madness or Meditation?

Another Monday of madness! But, instead of letting it stress me out and bring me down, I choose to meditate on the positive things in my life.... like the enjoyable things I did over the weekend.

This peaceful, serene waterfall is a short hike from home .... it's a huge blessing it to be able to "getaway" briefly from the stress of life.
Moments like these remind me that it is my choice to think good thoughts and not let the bad things get to me.

It must be what the disciple Paul meant when he encouraged the church members in Philippi to focus on good and positive things.