Friday, July 29, 2011

Tossed about by the waves...

Tossed about by the waves, this log has been beaten by many waves. Each one wearing off the tough outer bark to reveal a smooth and beautifully unique creation.
This makes me think of my life and the many trials that I have endured, especially during the past year. God allowed the trials and He gave me the strength to endure them. Do I fully understand this? Nope. but I do understand how much God loves me. Like the Psalmist said "For you, God, tested us;  you refined us like silver."

Monday, July 25, 2011

Never-ending Monday...

Whenever it seems like it's a never-ending Monday, I need to kick back and relax and stop worrying. Watching my puppy thoroughly enjoy wind surfing out of my car window reminds me of this. Worry less and enjoy life. God allows hectic and bad days like these to help us appreciate the good things in life and to help us realize how much we need Him. 

So if you're feeling overwhelmed and worrisome, remember, you don't have to carry the burden of anxiety. Take time to "feel the wind in your hair".

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Think you see the whole picture?

Just when you think you see the whole picture of a situation, think again. What reminds me of this is this image of a wildflower that I came across the other day.
When I opened it in Photoshop, the tiny details of a plant visitor became apparent. What an awesome reminder that even if I think that I see the whole picture, there is always a tiny detail hidden from my perspective.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Finally found the right frame

From now on, I will be posting images from my perspective and relating how they impact my life.