Friday, April 11, 2014

Beneath the Frozen Falls

Last Sabbath, I had the pleasure of hiking with friends up to Hungarian Falls. It's exciting to see the end of a long, harsh winter!  Thank God my friends were there to pull me out whenever I sank into a soft spot on the trail! I also am thankful for harsh winters because they make me appreciate Spring all the more!

This image of the frozen falls makes me think of The Bible which happens to be the most printed book worldwide. Many people own one or more copies. Most people, including myself, have not read the entire book.

God's Word is just like these frozen falls. Both are so vibrant that any time spent there makes one feel so full of life. Anyone can see the beauty on the surface but, it takes contemplation to be able to see and hear the vibrancy beneath.

I have called myself a Christian for most of my life. I believe in the one true, Triune God. I believe that Jesus incarnate came down from heaven in order to sacrifice Himself for all people.

But I distinctly remember a life changing moment when I realized that what I thought I knew about God and life was not true. This moment came while reading the bible with a friend while we talked together over the phone. I was astonished to discover the truth I found in the bible was not what I had believed for so many years!

I contemplated, What else do I think I know that is actually contrary to the truth found in the bible? 

So, I started to read and study my bible. And just as promised, God revealed truth to me. The more time I spent contemplating God's Word, the more I could hear the life giving water. The more I could experience the peace of His love.

One of the truths about His peace and love that He revealed to me is the reason why I observe the seventh day Sabbath. After creating the heavens, the earth, and everything on it, God rested on the seventh day and made it holy. Later, when He gave the ten commandments to His people, He said Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.  I don't know about you, but the first thing that caught my attention was the word REMEMBER. Funny how God knew that we would someday forget.
So, I am looking forward to next Sabbath. God willing I will return to my favorite place to contemplate God's goodness. I look forward to resting in God's love and peace. 

I pray that you will find peace in God's love as well. If you want to know more about the Sabbath rest, here is a link about God's day of rest.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Spirit of Christmas

Christmas. The holiday of holidays. Some people spend a month in preparation for this one day. It can be quite hectic. Bake cookies, buy presents, wrap presents, attend parties, send cards, attend church. They reason, it's all is in the spirit of Christmas.

What exactly is the spirit of Christmas? Pondering this, I came up with several suggestions of what it should mean when mentioning the spirit of Christmas:
  • Bake cookies - Sharing the bounty that God gives us is something we can do all year round not just with cookies at Christmas.
  • Choose a gift - There is a sense of fulfillment when you pick out a special gift for someone. God picked out a special gift for each of us when He gave us salvation through Jesus Christ. And He gave us this gift because He wanted to; not because He had to.
  • Wrap the gift - There is also fulfillment in wrapping the gift so that the person will desire to open it. Jesus spent several years in ministry, as recorded in the gospels, teaching, healing, and preparing His disciples. He wanted to make sure that we would be able to know who He was and what He did for us. He wanted to ensure that we could recognize the gift He had for us and that we would desire to have it.
  • Attend parties - God created us to be social. He saw that none of the animals in Eden was fit for companionship for Adam. So He created Eve.   God created them to socialize with Him and each other.
  • Send cards - What a wonderful way to encourage others but it doesn't have to just be at Christmas. God wants us to share the good news about Jesus all of the time not just at Christmas.
  • Attend church - Is there a better way to spend Christmas than to worship God at church? God desires for us to seek Him daily, not just once a year. 
The many blessings that God gives us are not just at Christmas. He watches over us and cares for us daily. He even has the very hairs on our heads numbered!

So I challenge you not to have the spirit of Christmas but, the Spirit of God everyday. God is love and He wants us to know that love and to share it. That is something we can do everyday!

God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving thanks

This morning I was awakened by the sound of our cat scratching at our bedroom door. Guess he really didn't understand that today is a holiday and I was sleeping in. But as I woke, I saw how sunny it was outside. It's Thanksgiving.

I started thinking about how thankful I was for my cat, who is an incredible creature, even if he does wake me up to turn the bathroom faucet on for him to get a drink of water. And of course, my dogs, who actually woke me up earlier this morning to go outside and do their business. But they happily crawled back in bed with me so we could sleep in. And certainly, my husband who, bless his heart, never even stirred during any of this commotion.

Several times during the past week, I heard people talking about how Thanksgiving is when you are supposed to stop and think about the blessings in your life.

But I disagree with that. I believe that every day should be Thanksgiving. In the sense that daily, we should be giving thanks to the Lord for all of our blessings. Realistically, when you do actually start to count your blessings, aren't there too many to list? Yeah, we are all thankful for our food, and clothes, and housing. But how often do we really contemplate the things often taken for granted? The sunshine, the moonlight, the rotation of the Earth, the cycle of water, a gentle breeze on a muggy day. Keeping all of these systems working is just one of the many things the Creator of this world does. His omnipotence is more than we can comprehend.

This morning a dear friend sent me a text quoting the apostle Paul as he encouraged fellow believers. "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

So today, I am thankful for all of the wonderful people we were fortunate enough to talk to or visit with today.  I am thankful for the great food and the hands that prepared it. I am so thankful for the safe travel to and from our destinations today. I am thankful for the laptop that I am using to write this and the Internet service that enables me to share these thoughts. I am thankful for the warm bed I will soon be crawling into. I am so thankful for so many things that I couldn't possibly list them here. And that's the point. We should contemplate these things daily.

Because tomorrow, I will still be thankful for these same things and so much more. Even if my pets don't let me sleep in on my long weekend. Hope your holiday and weekend are full of peace and love which are also blessings from the Lord :)

Monday, November 18, 2013


This image illustrates for me what is relevant today. In fact, that is what last weekend's public school retreat at Camp AuSable was all about. Seeing my grand daughter happily prancing across this bridge summed it up for me.

What a blessing it was: to spend time with others praising God, to hear my son's testimony of what God has done for him, to escape into a wilderness of His wonderful creation, to watch my grand daughter peacefully  enjoy life away from the troubles of the world. What a blessing it was to catch this fraction of a glimpse of what life will be like in heaven.

Years ago, I had a dream that made everything crystal clear for me. I was in the kitchen of an old country house, having tea with friends who are yet unknown to me. As they sat at the cafe type round table, I turned to the sink to add more water to the tea pot. While turning toward the sink, I caught out of the corner of my eye, my mother running after my sons down the hallway. At the split second I was turning to ask my friends Did you see that?, there was tremendous noise, and my question turned to Did you hear that? My friends were no longer at the table! Immediately, my mind processed. The noise was the trump of God! JESUS IS HERE!  I exclaimed as I ran toward the screen door. There He was full of glory in the clouds with His host of angels! While reaching for the handle of the screen door, I hesitated, Wait.... my family. Jesus' voice gently said to me JUST COME.

Then, I woke up. I realized that I could no longer sit on the fence of salvation. I could no longer be (as my son put it) a church hopper frantically trying to find a church that would be appealing to my husband and sons. I could no longer deny the biblical truths of the Sabbath, the state of the dead, and the fact that we are in the end times. I realized that if God could bring me from the darkness of this world, He could do the same for my family.

I implore all who read this. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES for in it you will find truth and as Jesus said "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Blessings to all. I pray that each and every one of you finds the peace and love found only in a saving relationship with Jesus.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Long Walk, Short Pier

This image brings to mind the idiom "Take a long walk off a short pier." It reminds me of when I was young and how popular it was to say senseless sayings like this.

One recent morning in Sagola, Michigan, I was filled with awe for the beauty of this moment. It was the most serene, inspiring morning I have ever experienced. At 7 o'clock the fog gently rolled over the lake while the rest of nature groggily contemplated rising.

Yet, it was a solemn moment as well. Truth is, we all are taking the walk to the end of the pier. Some might take the plunge before reaching the end. While others will make it to the day when Jesus returns.

Jesus is in heaven right now preparing for His return. Though only the Father knows when that day will be, in Mark chapter 3 Jesus talks about the signs of the end times. In fact, many Christians believe we are in the end times right now.

One thing we can be sure of is that when Jesus does return, He will take those who are in a saving relationship with Him to heaven. Jesus said to John the Revelator "Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done."

It is my prayer that all who read this will be in heaven with the Lord forever.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Floodgates of Heaven

We had such a storm in these parts last night! It was the longest most spectacular lightening storm I have ever seen. Put to shame the best display of fireworks! Then, as the saying goes, God opened the floodgates of heaven. It poured so hard, that it made me think of how powerful God is AND how awesome His creation of the water cycle.

Have you ever really contemplated how awesome water is? It can be used to soothe or destroy. It can exist in multiple states (solid, liquid, or gas) and it can be used to cool or to heat. How many other things do you know of that are so valuable and so diverse in attributes? Most importantly, water sustains our lives since we are made up of more than 60% water!

As I considered all of this, I prayed for my husband's safe travels as he made his 41/2 hour drive back to work in that storm! It made me fondly remember a recent trip we made and the wonderful time we had at the Tahquamenon Falls. Images like this one make me appreciate God's creation. If not for the wonderful cycle of water that He created, we would never behold such a beautiful site.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Stairway to Heaven

This image immediately brought to mind stairway to heaven. Though I am certain that most people have heard this idiom used (Googling yielded over 15 million results), I would guess many do not know where it truly originated.

In the book of Genesis, while on a journey to find a wife, Jacob had a dream about a stairway that reached to heaven. In his dream, the Lord told Jacob that the land on which he slept would belong to him and his descendants. How awesome a dream to have! 

But not everyone has such vivid dreams. And that doesn't matter because God's word is filled with promises that God makes to people.

Read the bible and you will find a wealth of promises like blessings for wisdom or protection.

What's the catch? God wants us to believe in Him and truly seek Him out. He is all powerful. He wants to spend eternity with us. As the apostle John wrote "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life".

God made the ultimate promise with the ultimate sacrifice, His only Son, Jesus. Personally, I can imagine how hard it is to lose a son. BUT God didn't just lose His Son, He gave His Son so that people could live. AND, His Son complied with His wishes because He wants people to be in heaven for eternity as well.

Wow, I don't know about you, but, just like the hike that brought me to this place, this image helps me to stay focused on the hope for salvation that I have through our Lord Jesus. I hope it does the same for you.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pushing Up Daisies

Today's chronological reading plan found on esword, gives brief accounts of some kings of Judah and Israel. The thing that really strikes me is the violence and sinfulness found especially in verses 13-16 of 2 Kings 15. Menahem, assassinates Israel's king and succeeds his throne. From there, he ruthlessly attacks a city and the surrounding area. Since the people resist him, he rips open all of their pregnant women.

Pretty horrifying stuff! Not too much unlike the violence of society today.

In 2 Chronicles 26, King Uzziah of Judah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and in the defense of his kingdom "he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal." The philosophy of technology undoubtedly offers up explanations for the development of weaponry but it overlooks the inherent sinful nature of mankind.

So many people are abhorred by the crimes in our present society. Yet, no one really talks about how it has been human nature to be sinful ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve's son Cain committed the first murder against his brother Abel and the bloodshed and misery continues.

The good news is that God loves us so much that Jesus died for our sins. Since the beginning of time, He has shown us His love through His created things like this lively field of daisies. But this patch of flowers is more then just pleasing to the eye. It is one of the many things in nature that attest not only the existence of God but also of the fact that there will be no excuse for mankind's sinfulness. Eventually, God will hold each and every person accountable.

I don't know the origin of the old idiom pushing up daisies. But what can be so bad about being underneath a beautiful site like this while resting in peace IF the next thing you know is that Jesus has returned for you !!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Baby Bird

Hahaha... I have to laugh because my son just sent a text with this image.

Of course, one can't deny how adorable these babies are... I can almost hear their little peeps calling "I'm hungry."

Beyond the obvious meaning of this image, I find a deeper, more resolute meaning. It is the understanding of life and the way that things are supposed to be. You see, my son just recently left our nest. He left our small town for the city not quite three weeks ago.

Lots of people have been asking me how I feel about that and if I miss him. Well, the answer is yes AND no.

I have really come to appreciate how much of a wonderful young man he has become. Thanks be to God! But, I don't miss him because I am so excited for the experiences he will have and the things he will learn. I believe that God has led him to where he is right now. Not to mention that I spent the last 18 years trying my best to prepare him for this time of his life. Time for him to spread his wings and soar.

My true sense of peace with him being gone comes from our Father in heaven. Jesus encouraged us to not worry in Matthew 6:25-27.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

So, knowing how much our Father in heaven cares for us helps to put things into perspective for me. After all, He sent his one and only Son to die for us

It's funny that I used to think that the reason I never saw the beauty of God's creation when I was young was because I am from the city. This image tells me that it wasn't where I grew up, it's that I had blinders on. 

What a blessing it is that my son is sharing some of what he sees.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Who Could've Known?

Who could've known? 
 The last time we were we. 
Image, burnt in my mind 
by flaming bridge for eternity. 
Who could've known? 
One last glimpse
would mean:
never again hearing 
laughter singing with brook,
never again seeing
sunshine paled by smiles
never again hiking
winding trails,
never again feeling
your loving embrace
never acknowledging
resemblances of your face
to the one we adored who is no more.
Who could've known?
Life could be so cruel
as to let love drown in a pool,
not of blood, but tears.

BUT, the sadness and trials of life will not prevail.
For the One who comforts knows of this and more.
All we need do is knock on the door
and it will be opened.
For He wants to comfort and take care of us.
He loves us so much that His Son died for us.

My hope is in Him.
Who could've known, that I would ever feel so loved.