Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Fading Christmas

Christmas has come and gone again so fast that it is a blurred memory. It makes me contemplate, how many of us can say that in all the hustle and bustle we found the perfect gift for someone. Or, likewise how many of us received the perfect gift? How many of us have a gnawing feeling of discontent that goes much deeper than looming credit card bills and long return lines.

I believe that none of us gave or received a gift of that caliber. You may ask, How can that be?

It is possible because there is only one perfect gift that is possible for someone to give. As a matter of fact, it doesn't have to be given at Christmas. And it is free! It is the gift of unconditional love.

How many of us have truly ever given that!? How many of us can say that we have shown love and kindness to that co-worker who constantly lies and stirs the pot? How about the neighbor whose dog leaves you a present every day? Or that family member who constantly criticizes and belittles you?  How many of us would dive in front of a speeding bullet to save them? How many of us can say that we have received that kind of love?

Unconditional love is kind of close to the love we received when as newborn babes (before growing old enough to be annoying) our mothers beheld us. However, whether we realize it or not, there is only one instance when we have all been loved unconditionally. 

I believe that when Jesus died on the cross, it was the only time love has been expressed completely and unconditionally. That is why when confronted with a trying moment with anyone else, I am reminded of the unimaginable amount of love that God must have for me in order for Jesus to have suffered so much because of me.

This past Christmas, I became very much aware that it is not the gifts we give or receive that matter. It is the love in which we give them. A love that is carefully packaged with beautiful paper that covers a multitude of sins and a happy bow made from a hug from loving arms.

It is my prayer that in the new year, you will experience the deepest most meaningful love that life has to offer and then, in turn, share that love with everyone around you.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Perfect Gift

Whew!! Trying to avoid the crazy hustle and bustle of the busy holiday season can be difficult. During some last minute holiday preparations, I came across this empty gift jar. At one time it held delicious chocolates; they didn't last long!!

Most people have received gifts like this one. You know, the kind that are a nice gesture from someone you didn't really expect would give you a Christmas present.

Our materialistic society leads us to believe that a gift is not only necessary, but it must be reciprocated. Even though I appreciate the gesture, I would rather spend time visiting with the gift giver over a cup of tea or during a walk.

Giving of yourself is the best gift anyone could give.

In fact, Jesus modeled this same concept when He came to Earth: to spend time with man, to teach man all about love and His triune divinity, to bear the guilt of all of mankind on His shoulders, and to die a horrible death so that each person who believes Jesus is Lord might be saved.

So the next time you are searching for the perfect gift, think about the wonderful gift described by the Apostle John and remember the best gift comes from the heart filled with love.